They Always Knew! FDA Docs
The document, which is looking into adverse reports between Dec. 2020 and Feb. 28, 2021 is part of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Biologics License Application to the FDA. The FDA wanted 55 years to release this document!

This is the document that both the FDA & Pfizer wanted 55 years to withhold.
Reason: They knew from the test results the vaccines were dangerous, caused serious harm including death, caused miscarriages, effected young women’s menstrual cycles and more.
It’s the Smoking Gun!
It’s the Official Covid Vaccine License Application to the FDA: Freedom of Information Act Data, A Federal Judge ordered their release.
The document, which is looking into adverse reports between Dec. 2020 and Feb. 28, 2021 is part of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Biologics License Application to the FDA.
- Based on Official Adverse Reports from Pfizer Internal and VAERS between the dates 12/20/20 and 2/28/21
- This was first part of docs The FDA wanted 50+ years to hand over: Reuters Story
- Fact: First Covid Vaccine given outside of trials in US was on December 14, 2020: Washington Post
- Fact: Earliest Date to be considered fully vaccinated at the time, for general population, was Jan 20, 2020 (Because of 2 Doses)
- As of March 17, 2020, the CDC and US States were still rationing vaccines for various age groups. Source CDC
- Sample of Phases of Vaccine Rollout during time of Adverse Reporting in Pfizer report: State of MA People 65 and over in MA began 2/18/2021 and also opened for 2 Medical Conditions
They always knew!
Official Pfizer Trial Parameters