The Devil’s Trap: A Real Encounter

The Adirondack Devil Rt74

The Adirondack Devil Rt74

When I first started my career, I spent a lot of time on the road. One memory stands out, and even decades later, I still reflect on it, trying to make sense of what happened.

It was the late 1980s, and I was driving on Route 74 between Eagle Lake and Paradox, NY. It’s a beautiful but dangerous road in the Adirondack Mountains. It demands attention. I was doing the speed limit when I came up behind a car crawling along at less than 10 mph. Solid Double yellow lines meant I had no choice but to wait.

The driver appeared to be an elderly woman. “Okay,” I thought, “she’s taking her time. I’ll wait for the next safe spot to pass.” Finally, the road opened into a straightaway, and the yellow lines broke. My chance had come.

I floored it to pass, but as I pulled alongside her, she matched my speed. Faster and faster—20 mph, 30, 40, 60—she wouldn’t let me pass. And as I kept increasing my speed, I looked over at her, and she was staring with her head tilted 90degress, looking directly at me. Not looking in front of her. Her hideous eyes were locked on me. She had this smirk, laughing at me… that I will never forget.

And as I floored it, she kept flooring, it, never taking her eyes off me and never looking directly at the road herself. I hit the brakes, she hit the brakes. It was as if her car was attached to mine by some invisible force. Every time I looked over, her eyes locked onto mine, that grotesque smirk never fading. I gestured, frustrated, but she just laughed harder.

I was running out of room. The road became a solid double line again, and I could not get out of the left lane. Now, I was getting nervous… and sure enough, another car appeared around the upcoming bend headed straight towards me. I was slamming on my horn and quickly hit my brakes slowing to a crawl. She crawled as well. I was trapped. Her eyes still never leaving me. She was 100% focused on my destruction.

On my right, the demon lady; on my left, the guardrail; ahead of me, an unavoidable collision. My heart raced. Panic surged. I was starting to prepare myself for that head on collision with the car from the other direction. Hopefully they would slow down. And as I started wondering what to do, just as I was bracing for the worst—I noticed a break in the left guardrail. A tiny, fleeting escape.

I veered left into the gap, slamming on the brakes. The demon lady slowed too, still staring, still laughing, before her car rolled away and disappeared around the bend. By the time the oncoming car passed, I could barely breathe. When I finally pulled back onto the road, she was gone. No trace of her. Nothing but the pounding of my heart and the lingering question: What just happened?

I often reflect on this incidence, trying to find meaning.

To this day, I don’t know what she was or why it happened. But I do believe it wasn’t natural. I believe God’s hand was in play. When I thought collision and my destruction were inevitable, He provided me with a way out. If I would have let fear or rage consume me, I might have missed that slim chance to escape. Was it luck? Maybe. But I’ll never forget that face—or that lesson.

Over the years since, I’ve encountered other demons. Not all of them are as bold as she was, but I recognize them. I sense them. Sometimes they come as a chill down your spine, an unease you can’t shake. Other times, they’re subtle, even charming, trying to lure you in before striking when you’re at your weakest. Most attacks come when you least expect it.

Good and evil are very real forces in this world. Every day, that battle plays out around us. You can see it in war, hatred, pride, selfishness, and cruelty. And when you rid yourself of one demon, another comes back stronger, often with reinforcements. They are relentless, trying to overwhelm the individual. And when you win one battle against them… and draw closer to God, they attack even more… Pulling you harder each time, testing your faith, your strength. And make no mistake, once they take hold, they’re like a virus, infecting not just you, but those you love the most—especially the children. Don’t let them take hold.

Today, there is so much darkness, depression and anxiety in the world, it often feels as if hell has been unleashed on earth. The internet, with its hidden corners, traps those who wander into its shadows. Many don’t realize they’ve been ensnared until the good in their lives begins to crumble. Forgiveness gives way to revenge, hope to despair, and the beautiful peace within their families fades.

I have often said, if you play in the Darkness, don’t be surprised if a Demon follows you home. So, stop playing in the darkness and inviting them to play.

Whether or not you believe in demons, one thing is certain: life is filled with moments where darkness threatens to trap us. Those suffering from depression, anxiety, or illness may feel there’s no way out—but there is. Just as in that strange encounter I had on Route 74, there’s always a break in the guardrail—a glimmer of hope. You just have to be willing to see it. It does not have to end up as a head on collision!

Strong Faith, Genuine Courage, Forgiveness and the Love of Others, can support & guide us through. Put on the armor of God, stand firm, and face the battles of life, not as a helpless victim, but with unshakable confidence as a child of God!

The light and love will always prevail.