MA Secretary of State – Vote Smart 2022

Massachusetts 2022 Election

Rayla Campbell

Massachusetts Secy. of State Candidate

In 2022, Massachusetts voters have a refreshing choice in the race for Secretary of State…

MA Secy of State Rayla Campbell
Rayla Campbell

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As a proud African American woman and a Republican, Rayla believes passionately in Civil Rights and opposes the radical calls for “identity politics” which seeks to divide Americans against one another. Rayla believes in fairness and integrity.

Rayla Campbell believes in reaching across party lines to work for the common good for the people of Massachusetts regardless of their political affiliation. She considers her duties as a Secretary of State to provide updated and accurate state government information. Having an accessible office for the public. Additionally, working to grow and strengthen the economy by cutting red tape and streamlining services. Bringing honor to the office by following the state constitution and protecting the constitutional rights of consumers and last but not least running fair and clean elections.

Please give Rayla Campbell either time, money or your vote this November 2022

Disclaimer: This Page has been created at $0 cost.  It is a personal site, created by myself, to express my own personal opinions and endorsements and thus, protected by my Constitutional Right to Free Speech.  This site is not affiliated with, nor in cooperation with any other political organization, party or entity required to report to Federal or State Election Finance Agencies.